9 Top Tips for Buying Second Hand Equipment

Purchasing second hand tyre fitting equipment can be a nervy investment! Will the tyre machine be exactly as the seller described? Will it be the right model with original parts? Most importantly, will it function fully and do the job intended?

To help you when looking into second-hand equipment we have compiled our top tips for buying so that you know exactly what you are looking for and can avoid being ripped off!

Try Before You Buy

It’s not always possible but the opportunity to see the exact machine you are purchasing in action and working as it should before you buy can be the best way to dispell any fears. Tyre Bay Direct have a fully functioning onsite showroom with a team always ready to demo both new and second-hand equipment available for purchase. If you aren’t able to see the equipment in the flesh then ASK FOR VIDEOS! Don’t be afraid to ask for multiple videos with close-ups on specific parts.


Whether by video or in the flesh, when checking your machine be mindful of any noises from either the motor or gearbox, as this can indicate problems and parts likely to arise in the near future. A second-hand tyre machine should still be sold in great working condition. It’s amazing what can be done to refurb a machine in this day and age!

Year of Manufacture

Find out the year the machine has been manufactured. This can somewhat indicate how much the machine has been used and in what condition the machine will be in. If possible also find out the environment the machine has been used in. Is it a busy fast fit shop where the machine has seen daily use or maybe a garage that fits tyres part time?


If you can identify rust on a tyre fitting machine, the likelihood is that the machine has had very little use or not been looked after as it should have been. External obvious rust often means internal rust that will cause even more operational difficulty.

Slow Speeds

Just because you’re buying second hand, doesn’t mean it should take twice as long to change a tyre! Be wary of purchasing tyre changers with slower than average turntables or other moving parts. The seals may be worn and air leaks may be present.

Knowing the service history of the machine before you buy can also be a great benefit, as it can highlight other reasons why the machine might work slower than normal.


We believe in sticking to well-known brands! Which is why at Tyre Bay Direct we supply a range of machines from American tyre equipment giant Atlas Equipment, including the premium range Atlas Platinum; we also provide a budget manufacturer in Redback, who supply a range of tyre fitting machines at economy prices. These brands age well and stand the test of time, whether brand new or second hand!


A fairly obvious top tip however is often overlooked when purchasing tyre fitting equipment is, make sure the readings are working properly! Any wheel balancer working as it should will read 100g accurately on a balanced wheel or near enough.

Don’t Expect Perfect

Don’t expect any purchased second-hand equipment to be perfect! You’re lucky if you do find that golden goose.

Call us!

Probably the most important tip we can give to you is to ring us on 01527 883580 if you need any advice, no question is a silly question, and our friendly and helpful staff are able to answer any queries that you may have.

Intrigued? Then check out our second hand machines now or for more information, get in touch on 01527 883580 to discuss in more detail.

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