Garages planning to increase prices

57% of Garages Plan to Put Prices Up, Study Finds

A study by WhoCanFixMyCar has found that over half of the nation’s garages are planning to increase their prices, adding further fuel to the ongoing cost of living crisis.

Over 15,000 businesses responded to the survey, from mobile mechanics through to independent garages and manufacturer-owned dealerships.

The survey also asked for the reasons behind the planned price increases – a question which received the following responses:

  • 89% of garages said that the cost of living crisis was the only reason why they planned to put prices up
  • 7% said that the price of parts was the main driving factor
  • More than 50% said that both had contributed

Many of the garages surveyed still weren’t sure what to do, though; 25% said they hadn’t decided yet whether to put their prices up or not, meaning the 57% headline figure could grow substantially if the cost of living crisis (and parts prices) fail to settle down.

Founder of WhoCanFixMyCar, Al Preston, said: “Naturally, older vehicles tend to need more repairs, so with prices set to rise over the coming months, drivers should consider booking their cars in for essential work sooner rather than later, as they could find themselves paying considerably more if they wait.

“The supply chain is also under unprecedented pressure, so access to certain components may also become increasingly difficult.”

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