Leverless Technology by Ravaglioli – August 25th, 2010

This September, Tyre Bay Direct focuses on Ravaglioli’s Leverless Technology, of which they are the sole distributor.  Capable of mounting and demounting all specialist wheel/tyre combinations including reverse rims, PAX, run flats, BSR and SST, Ravaglioli’s range of leverless machines is the only solution for the professional tyre bay.  The cutting edge features of this range include laser-guided Autotouch technology which ensures precise positioning when breaking the bead without risking damage to the rim and the patented RoboTool mounting head, which levers on the rim itself to avoid excess stress to the bead.

Ravaglioli – a leader in the field since 1958 – offers the user maximum control but requires minimal operator effort; particularly demonstrated in the patented Invemotor of the leverless machines.  This innovative technology allows the user full control over the rotation speed yet automatically slows down as pressure on the bead increases to avoid damage to the tyre.  With a huge range of adaptors and accessories available to tailor your Ravaglioli leverless tyre changer to your exact requirements including an adaptor for ‘blind’ wheels, a pneumatically powered bead depressing arm and a wheel lift for larger rims to name a few, Tyre Bay Direct will work closely with the client with installation and training also available to ensure the machine is fully customised to meet the customers’ requirements.

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