Pothole Damage

Bad weather and dark nights both play a major part in the number of road accidents occurring in the UK however the main hazard is potholes. Pothole are caused from a combination of heavy road usage and wet and frosty weather conditions and with it being mid winter our roads are unfortunately at their worst. There are many websites available where you can report potholes and the local council will hopefully get them filled in as soon as possible. However with that being said, recent figures released from Britannia Rescue suggest that potholes cover a total of 295 square miles which is more than twice the size of the Isle of White – that’s a lot of filling!

Potholes are not only an annoyance and inconvenience as they can in fact have very serious consequences. They are becoming the main cause of damage for road vehicles and at their worst can cause serious injuries some of which can sadly be fatal. Although we all do our best to avoid potholes we are often caught out in the dark or bad weather and have probably suffered some form of damage to our vehicles in the past. The most common forms of damage to our cars are punctured tyres and misalignment of the steering system.

With pothole damage accounting for nearly 500,000 insurance claims per year you need to be prepared with the correct equipment to deal with this possible increase in business. Tyre Bay Direct offer a large range of garage equipment to cope with many tyre and wheel related issues and our Hanway wheel alignment systems are no exception. These aligners combine patented technology and design concepts with an impressive 10 year parts availability guarantee. The models range from simple, inexpensive CCD alignment systems through to state of the art full 8CCD systems with new generation wireless technology and many other notable features.  The Hanway range will cover the smallest operation to the largest and most demanding of applications and is fully backed and covered by our specialist engineers.

During this cold and wet winter make sure you and your garage are prepared for potential business heading your way. You can find more information on our wheel aligners as well as all other products supplied on our website. Alternatively please feel free to get in touch on 01527 883 580 or email us at info@www.tyrebaydirect.com.

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