Precision wheel alignment equipment from Tyre Bay Direct – March 15th, 2011

Tyre Bay Direct, experts in tyre machinery and exclusive suppliers of Uniflate nitrogen tyre inflation systems to Formula 1 since 1992 are pleased to be able to offer Precision Point’s ultra modern wheel alignment equipment to the market.

Unlike a front wheel gauge which cannot determine the relationship between the front and rear wheels and can only centre the steering wheel by trial and error, the Trak-Rite XY from Tyre Bay Direct can centre steering and check front and rear tracking and alignment quickly and efficiently allowing you to offer wheel alignment as a very profitable additional revenue stream.

The equipment features sprung aluminium contact pins which are gentle on alloys and a low clearance height making light work of low spoilers, suspension and wheel arches, making the Trak-Rite XY is suitable for any vehicle.  All measurements are clearly marked to be readable from any angle and minimum downtime is guaranteed with wireless operation and two rechargeable battery sets supplied.  As with all garage equipment from Tyre Bay Direct, full training and warranty are available.

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