Ready for winter? Essential garage equipment you need + keeping on top of garage consumables!

Are you ready for winter? Tyre Bay Direct are!


Winter weather is well on its way and demand for new tyres is poised to take a seasonal spike.

Unsure what garage equipment you need to cope with the busier winter periods? With the winter set to be as unpredictable as ever, we take at a look at the essentials you need to keep your customers on the road.

If you are new to garage services, knowing what garage essentials you need to stock up on or have present throughout the winter months can be like guessing the colour of the next car to pull into your workshop.

Then there are equipment upgrades. Even if you have been around the industry for a while, updating and upgrading your tools can be frustrating. The amount of variety, specifications and prices available can make it difficult to identify what products are the most suitable for your services – trust us, you wouldn’t be the only one that gets confused. Equipment comes in all shapes and sizes now!

Luckily, Tyre Bay Direct are getting on top of things before the cold weather sets in, which means you could have all the essential garage equipment you need in no time and a consumables plan to survive!

There is more than just tyre fitting services to worry about!

Being specialists in tyre fitting equipment, our first piece of advice is to ensure you have robust and reliable garage equipment that can cope with winter demands. But that’s not the be all and end all.

Vehicles have more than just tyre issues. Having the tools & equipment to cope with a variety of mishaps can lead you on the path to beating the cold weather blues.

Essential Winter Products:

£359.99 incl VAT£299.99 excl VAT
In Stock

These highlighted products are just the tip of the iceberg for the tools you need in your garage!

Don’t threat Consumable Stocks

Inclement weather can also threaten to hault your supply of consumables. It’s no good having the latest tyre changer if your no valves to fit because the van doesn’t show up or a downpour has got him behind (maybe his van wouldn’t start!).

The future of garage consumable ordering is undoubtably online for the smart garage owner. It’s easy and with a better-quality selection than any van!

By being able to order online 24/7 means you can have consumables with you next day, tracked and delivered for free.

Don’t know where to start? Call the experts!

Our dedicated team are on hand waiting to answer your enquiries help. Contact us online today or call us on 01527 883580 for more information on our essential garage equipment this winter!


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