What is the real opportunity in TPMS diagnostics?

Tyres and the vehicles they are fitted on are getting smarter, there is no arguing that. Some think this means a hit in profit margins as tyres are more efficient but is this really the case or does it mean the exact opposite?

Could TPMS be the answer to all your issues?

For the last five years, newly manufactured vehicles have been legally required to be installed with tyre pressure monitoring systems. There is an undeniable need for TPMS equipment purely from a passenger safety perspective.

These clever little devices also require servicing when fitting new tyres, but for garage owners this is new territory.

Those of you that have already researched into TPMS tools & equipment, or already provide these services, will know that they don’t always add great value to the margin on a fitting. Does this mean that it is more hassle than it is worth?

The answer is NO! The sheer volume of vehicles that will require these services is only set to continue growing. Failure to offer them means you’re not going to be able to help some customers or risk their safety if you do take them on.

Garages must know the marketing potential of this service. It can set your garage apart from your competition, providing stronger and more loyal relationships with customers through safety conscious services.

The REAL Opportunity

The ion batteries in the first generation of TPMS sensors are set to last between 5 & 6 years. The sales of replacement sensors are set to soar towards the end of 2019 and into 2020 – you need to be poised to take advantage of these sales and market them as stated above!

Future-proof your TPMS services!

Getting started with the right TPMS tools can feel like a tricky game. Tyre Bay Direct aim to make it as simple as possible.

Our brand new TPMS bundle is great for garages starting out, updating your previous equipment or just to add to your current operation.

TPMS Bundle Offer Blog

Equipping your garage for the future…

Having been a leading supplier of TPMS Tools since their common inception, Tyre Bay Direct have seen how offering this service can boost business for garages.

Tools you need:

Ask the Experts…!

Our team have been through in-depth training to advise and help you with the right TPMS tools for your garage services.

Contact our dedicated and helpful team online today or call us now on 01527 883580 to discuss our TPMS range in more detail.

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