Save your customers money through TPMS Servicing and Tyre Maintenance then reap the rewards!

Tyre Maintenance is crucial to vehicle performance and efficiency.

Did you know, educating your customers can hold the key to the success of your business?

So, if this is the case, how often do you let your customers know what they could do for their vehicle to make their lives easier?

When it comes to tyres, we all know how vital they are to the performance and efficiency of operating a vehicle. By regularly checking and maintaining the condition of tyres, your customers can reduce upkeep costs but increase the safety of their car.

Making sure your customers are aware of the benefits of consistently checking their tyres, could make the difference in gaining their repeat custom.

Never underestimate Trust!

Being a helpful and trusted garage can make a massive difference to your services. If you are renowned for providing excellent tyre maintenance advice and supplying a great service, the likelihood is you will see them again soon.

Gaining the trust of customers can be a difficult task, but helpful tips and a little bit of charm can go a long way.

Take advantage of TPMS…

Since 2014, every newly manufactured car comes with Tyre Pressure Monitoring Systems (TPMS) installed, which makes the procedure of recognising any tyre issues a lot easier.

Unless you are a professional though, knowing how they work and what to do when you get an alert can be confusing and quite alarming.

Being sure your customer’s TPMS system is working efficiently is also a great way to get customers on your side – it also allows notifications of any problems to be identified quickly, meaning less cost for them and more revenue for you.

Here is what you need to succeed:

All garage owners are wary of an initial outlay for new services – the demand for TPMS however, is only going to increase, so you don’t want to miss out.

Some car owners don’t even know they have TPMS!

This is a baffling notion; however, some new or even experienced drivers are unaware that their car has TPMS installed. Inform and provide them with the information they need to identify any issues regarding TPMS.

Become an expert by talking to the experts…

Call our helpful team on 01527 883580 to discuss your TPMS requirements in more detail.

Alternatively, discover our entire Tyre Pressure Monitoring range by visiting our online store – we have everything you need to become a local expert and tyre maintenance hero!


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