Speed up your garage services & save ££££s across your business!

Control panel interface with key pad and leds with heat output levels. Small, compact and easy to use heat induction system. HeatMate ventilation at the rear of the Hofmann Megaplan unit. Finger point accuracy of the HeatMate Induction system allows for close proximity to heat-sensitive parts.

For so many years now, many garage owners believe that having the latest and greatest tyre fitting machines was the only way to stay ahead of your local competition.

An aspect of this thinking is true and investing in reputable, high-quality garage equipment is a massive plus – ensuring quicker tyre fitting, garage operations & less manpower!

However, there is more than one way to stay ahead and keep customers coming back for more.

Here at Tyre Bay Direct, we have the answer…

Cheaper by up to 50% vs oxy-acetylene!

Don’t be that garage having to send a customer up the road to your local competitor, or even keep their car all day because you can’t sort an adjustment.

Heating tools have developed a lot & devices like the Heat Mate Induction Heater remove any excuse for you to complete essential work.

Common workshop processes become a breeze including the unseizing of nuts & bolts, Track rod ends and ball joints. These jobs get quicker & safer, meaning you can offer them with confidence more often.

Why choose the Heat Mate?

Many garage heating tools will use the more traditional oxyacetylene which can be inaccurate and heat larger areas than required.

With the absence of a naked flame, you will be able to lower costs by more than 50% compared with the use of oxyacetylene tanks.

The Heat Mate can heat a precise location rapidly, without needing to heat the whole area. This allows you to work close to cables, pipes and other components without the risk of damage normally seen.

You’re saving time & making more money. It’ll pay for itself in no time!



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