Warm Weather Necessities for your Garage | Summer 2020 Garage Essentials

summer sun 2020

The sun is officially making an appearance for 2020.

tyre bay dave with sunglasses

Admittedly it might be while many are confined to their homes & only making essential journeys, but this still means demand for personal car use & so the demand for garages.

MOT Exemptions will enable vital services to continue, frontline workers, to get to work, and people to get essential food and medicine during the COVID-19 outbreak (gov.uk).

A pivotal part of this advice is that vehicles must be kept in a roadworthy condition. More often then not, this will mean taking the vehicle to someone you can trust. We’ve already talked about the 5 tips to stop the spread of coronavirus if your garage is still open but what about keeping your team comfortable as the weather continues to warm up?

Here are some warm weather garage essentials to consider investing in now for maximum use in 2020:

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£479.99 incl VAT£399.99 excl VAT
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We’ve including some valeting essentials as warm weather is the ideal time to increase revenues through this in-demand additional service.

Health + Safety Essentials

Keep your garage clean by stocking up on these essentials:

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Citrus Hand Wipes [Protect Edition – 150 Wipes]

£12.42 incl VAT£10.35 excl VAT
In Stock
£22.79 incl VAT£18.99 excl VAT
In Stock

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