Is the End of the Manual Tyre Changer Nigh?

In an ever-changing world of innovation where speed and practicality of garage equipment are paramount, garage owners and mechanics alike are turning to more automated solutions for tyre fitting, leaving the manual equivalents in the dust. The rise of the automatic tyre changer and semi-automatic tyre changer have completely changed the way tyre fitting professionals […]

Do I need an Automatic or Manual Tyre Changer?

  When searching for the right tyre changer, it can be easy for you to get carried away simply seeking out the cheapest machine possible, not realising it actually might cost you more in labour time or missed customers. Trust us, it happens more than you think! For many the obvious choice might be a […]

Tyre Bay Direct: Best Savings at Christmas!

Christmas is just around the corner and the forever hectic January is bearing down upon us; so with the season of giving in mind, we wanted to share with you our best savings for this festive period. Whether it be stocking up on consumables for the winter or updating your current tyre fitting equipment to […]

Our Guide to Picking the Right Tyre Changer Machine

With so many different tyre machine combinations it can be a little confusing when starting up in tyres. Here at Tyre Bay Direct, we want to make choosing the best tyre equipment for your needs as simple as possible. With over 50 years’ experience in the tyre industry, we have accumulated a great deal of […]

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