Ready for winter? Essential garage equipment you need + keeping on top of garage consumables!

  Winter weather is well on its way and demand for new tyres is poised to take a seasonal spike. Unsure what garage equipment you need to cope with the busier winter periods? With the winter set to be as unpredictable as ever, we take at a look at the essentials you need to keep […]

When the purse strings are really tight there is always TBD Outlet!

Tyre Bay Direct have a constant flow of used, ex-demo and ex-showroom garage equipment that, due to minimal careful use, are mostly in great condition and are in need of a new home. Our eBay outlet shop could provide you with your next tyre fitting machine to enhance your services and optimise your garage’s functionality. […]

There’s still time to join the online revolution in 2019: 3 Reasons to shop for your garage online!

Can you believe it’s July already?! In true british fashion the comments of “2019 seems to be running away so quickly” are out in force as a lack of hours in the day sees you just keeping up with work. Worrying about stock is one headache you don’t need then! Things simple and easy. Waiting […]

Tyre Consumables: BULK BUY SAVINGS

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could save BIG on the garage consumables you’re ordering week in week out? At Tyre Bay Direct we’ve now made this easier than ever. It’s a simple and fair concept for saving on the fitting necessities – the bigger the quantity ordered, the bigger the saving! Simply hit “select […]

Tyre Bay Direct: Best Savings at Christmas!

Christmas is just around the corner and the forever hectic January is bearing down upon us; so with the season of giving in mind, we wanted to share with you our best savings for this festive period. Whether it be stocking up on consumables for the winter or updating your current tyre fitting equipment to […]

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