Tyre Bay Direct’s 2020 Review – the good, the great & the excellent!

For many of us, there will never be another year like 2020 – the entire UK hitting multiple lockdowns, uncountable restrictions and businesses taking the worst hit of all. The effect of the pandemic has been seen across the entire automotive industry and specifically within the garage equipment sector. Here at Tyre Bay Direct, we […]

Speed up your garage services & save ££££s across your business!

For so many years now, many garage owners believe that having the latest and greatest tyre fitting machines was the only way to stay ahead of your local competition. An aspect of this thinking is true and investing in reputable, high-quality garage equipment is a massive plus – ensuring quicker tyre fitting, garage operations & […]

Keep your team & customers safe this Winter!

Your garage made it through the first wave of the global pandemic – congrats! We know how difficult it has been for every business throughout 2020 so far and with the latest restrictions to be enforced for the next 6 months, there shows no sign of let up. With the emphasis on trying to increase […]

Tyre Bay Direct now selling Hofmann Megaplan!

Tyre Bay Direct is pleased to announce that it has become one of the main stockists online from premium tyre fitting brand Hofmann Megaplan. This adds to the portfolio of equipment & builds on the top end offering from the garage equipment group which supplies the UK market both online & over the phone. This […]

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