All You Need to Know About Redback

Garage equipment is expensive. Tyre changers, wheel balancers, lifts… you name it, it costs a lot to invest in any of the crucial equipment needed to operate a garage. But there are brands out there that continue to challenge the norm and offer more for less. One of those brands is Redback, which has become […]

Tyre stuff doesn’t just come from the van man!

Have you always relied on a van man to deliver your essential tyre stuff? Have you ever been let down, left in the lurch or concerned they’ll not be able to make it? Does your business running rely on receiving these essential consumables? Have you ever done a price check or thought ‘Blimey, that seems […]

Redback is the new Unite, ready to LIFT your 2020!

A new decade requires new vehicle lifting solutions and Tyre Bay Direct now offers the best budget-friendly lifts available in the UK market! The once-revered Unite brand is well known among the more budget-conscious end of the tyre trade and in 2019 it received a Redback facelift in preparation for the new decade. The Redback […]

Tyre Bay Dave’s 2019 Highlights!

With Christmas & the New Year nearly here, the team at Tyre Bay Direct (including Tyre Bay Dave) took a look back at what’s been an exciting year for new garage equipment, brand developments & the online consumables revolution. Garage Equipment Developments The right choice of product is essential in any garage operating efficiently. That […]

The magic formula to picking your new wheel balancer!

Many of us are not contemplating a new investment in terms of the return it will bring, only considering the cost required to offer the service. Relating this to balancing, each garage will have their own thoughts on the subject, as everyone’s balancing equipment requirements are different – as is the potential revenue. How long […]

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