Should you be offering direct TPMS services over indirect systems?

  By now, you will have heard a lot about TPMS and the benefits it can offer your garage; especially if you have been following our blog posts over the last few months. It is an inevitability that TPMS services will become essential, due to the lifespan of the first sensors fitted into vehicles in […]

In every end, there is a new beginning – the great TPMS surge

Back in 2014, TPMS was introduced to all newly manufactured class 4 vehicles. 6 years on, the life expectancy of the originally installed TPMS sensors are fast coming to an end. Although some vehicles will have needed a sensor change with a new tyre, the need for this technology hasn’t been noticed in many garages. […]

Save your customers money through TPMS Servicing and Tyre Maintenance then reap the rewards!

Did you know, educating your customers can hold the key to the success of your business? So, if this is the case, how often do you let your customers know what they could do for their vehicle to make their lives easier? When it comes to tyres, we all know how vital they are to […]

Why you need to be ready to fit TPMS in your MOT Bay?

Since 2012 and the introduction of tyre pressure monitoring systems, TPMS has been fitted into millions of cars in the UK. Garages across the UK have been getting to grips with this new tech, and even now, new questions are being asked to learn more on TPMS diagnostics and replacement. Although TPMS equipment has been […]

What is the real opportunity in TPMS diagnostics?

Tyres and the vehicles they are fitted on are getting smarter, there is no arguing that. Some think this means a hit in profit margins as tyres are more efficient but is this really the case or does it mean the exact opposite? Could TPMS be the answer to all your issues? For the last […]

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