Tyre Bay Direct looks over the year so far

Our aim at Tyre Bay Direct has always been to provide our customers with exceptional service, advice, support and of course great prices. With that being said, we had great anticipation for 2013 with some big plans and lots to look forward to and the year so far has certainly lived up to our expectations.

With the intention of creating a strong working relationship with all our customers, earlier this year we introduced a brand new discount card. These discount cards have been issued to everyone who has purchased one of the Unite machine packages and is designed to save you money on future orders. This is a thank you to existing customers but also a great help to those getting into tyres for the first time. Our goal is to be your long term reliable supplier rather than a one off garage equipment seller.

Although the majority of our customers are long term garage owners and tyre fitters, we regularly deal with people who are completely new to the trade. We are thrilled to be able to say we have successfully contributed to the opening of hundreds of brand new tyre bays whilst providing not only expert advice, great value and quality machines but Tyre Fitting Training Courses too!

Our IMI accredited High Performance Tyre Fitting Training Courses, ran by the same trainers who carry out training for the NTDA, have been a huge success.  We could not have wished for better feedback from all who have attended the courses so far with all candidates saying they thoroughly enjoyed the course and would gladly recommend it to anyone. All successful candidates will be able to proudly display their certificate giving their customers full confidence in their abilities. The trainers are fantastic and really ensure everyone gets the most out of their time here. The next available course is in November so be sure to book your place now before it is fully booked!

This year has also seen the launch of couple of brand new and exciting products from Tyre Bay Direct. Firstly, the Vertical Motorised Storage Systems which are designed to utilize the unused vertical space in your garage and save valuable floor space.  The motorised system allows one person to quickly and safely access tyres at the push of a button. This rotates the system bringing you the requested tyre without any effort or risk. Capable of holding over 280 tyres you need never send your customers away again!

We also launched the Customised Valve Key Rings which have been designed as a promotional gifts for the trade to distribute to their customers. Created to say ‘Thank you’ to your existing customers and bring in repeat business. The key rings can be printed with the text of your choice and come not only in the standard black valve, but a range of colours too including silver, red, purple, blue and green. Why not extend the uses of the key ring and turn it into a loyalty scheme by asking your customers to show the key ring, when they return, for a discount off their next order! The Customised Valve Key Ring is a must have for any tyre shop wanting to keep their customers loyal and stand out from the competition within the same area. You can pre-order your key ring now on our website!

Another highlight of the year so far was the launch of our new website.  Several months ago we sent a newsletters asking for your opinions on our website and suggestions on how it could be improved. We already had a fully e-commerce website, meaning you can order online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and with thousands of visitors a week it is extremely important that our website lives up to your expectations. We were extremely pleased with the response to the newsletter and the many great ideas and comments given. We would like to thank you all again for your time and comments and remind you that your feedback is highly valued so keep it coming!

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