ADAS: Get the lowdown on these not so complicated calibration systems

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The all Digital ADAS System from the experts in everything alignment - Hofmann Megaplan.


Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past 18 months (and to be honest, we wouldn’t blame you if you had) then it would be hard to have missed the ongoing discussions around ADAS and ADAS calibration equipment. For any garage, investing in such equipment can be a frightening proposition.

Ensuring that you invest in the right ADAS calibration system and training is vital to your future success in providing these services – so you need to do your research and get it right first time!

Luckily for you, our partnership with Hofmann Megaplan through the ISN Europe family means we can hook you up with this industry-leading team in the UK.

Hofmann Megaplan’s ADAS Offering

Based out of their HQ in Kimbolton, the Hofmann team have been at the forefront of industry developments for years and have become a consistent force in garage equipment. It is no wonder then that they have invested time, money & effort to ensure you receive the right advice and the right ADAS system for your business.

Not only do they offer excellent ADAS equipment, but also the full range of training & maintenance services to guarantee your ADAS services run smoothly.

Investing in ADAS calibration and making your customers aware of the service could give you the competitive edge you need in your local market. Discovering the Analogue & Digital ADAS Systems available at Hofmann Megaplan should be top priority…

Analogue vs Digital Calibration Systems

ADAS is one of the biggest technological advancements in automotive services in the last decade and you need a machine that will keep up with future changes as cars continue to develop.

For many garage owners, the hefty price tag on ADAS calibration equipment can be tough to justify, so it’s important to know what’s available. There are two main systems, each using different technology.

If reducing the initial outlay is a must just to get you started, then the ADAS Analogue system utilises a more traditional set up, incorporating printed boards and a simple manual measurement system, enabling you to undertake ADAS calibrations for your customers. The analogue system is more labour intensive – it takes more time to set up and new alignment boards need to be purchased and stored for different vehicles.

To offer a more comprehensive ADAS service, a larger investment is needed in the Hofmann Megaplan Digital ADAS solution; comprising a 65” monitor to display alignment patterns digitally, accurate laser measurements & single-man operation, this system saves time in labour & receives new vehicle updates automatically.

As with any piece of garage equipment, knowing which system is best for your garage can only be determined by speaking to the experts. We’d advise booking a visit to the Hofmann Megaplan Centre of Excellence to try both systems out for yourself, before making an investment.


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