Essential Car Care Advice to Offer Your Customers Over Winter

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Winter is in full swing, but the worst weather may still be yet to come – so it’s important to prepare your customers for what might lie ahead. Most winter car checks are straightforward and take a matter of minutes, but they could make all the difference when the temperature really drops.

We’ve prepared a list of checks you can either carry out for your customers or advise them to complete. Though car issues can always arise unexpectedly, inspecting these essential areas could help your customers get ahead of the game – and avoid a breakdown.

Get the essentials in order

If their car is due a service, it’s well worth carrying this out before the temperature really drops. Issues spotted at the dawn of winter can then be rectified before they worsen and leave your customer stranded. Even just performing a simple oil and filter change will give them peace of mind that their engine is ready for action.

Battery concerns

Winter hits batteries hard, so it’s worth warning your customers of this. If their car struggles to get going one frosty morning, it’s highly likely that their battery is on its last legs; replacing it at this point will avoid frustration later when it inevitably loses charge overnight.

Maximise visibility

Spotted some cloudy-looking headlights? Why not offer the customer a headlight restoration service? This will keep them safe over winter and ensure they’re as visible as possible to other drivers when darkness falls.

Coolant check

Filling a car’s cooling system with straight water can be harmful at the best of times, but when sub-zero temperatures arrive it can have disastrous consequences. Make sure you advise your customers of this and offer to check their coolant for them.

Switch to winter tyres?

Relatively few of us do it, but switching to all-season or dedicated winter tyres can transform grip levels at this time of year, particularly when the roads are slippery. Educate your customers on the benefits and they may well decide to go for it.

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