Tyre Changers – What you need to know…

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Whether you’ve just bought a tyre changer or are thinking of starting up a tyre-fitting business, we’ve got you covered with some essential quickfire FAQs to help you learn the ropes of this essential machine for your garage.

Put your knowledge to the test and optimise your tyre fitting services.

#1 What is the difference between a fully automatic tyre changer and a semi-automatic machine?

The setup of the mounting head is what defines the difference between a fully-automatic and a semi-automatic tyre machine. On a semi-automatic tyre changer, the head and locking plate is bolted and the handle mounted at the front/side of the column by the swing arm. In comparison, on a fully automatic tyre machine the whole rear column operates through pneumatics, using compressed air to manoeuvre the mounting head and locking it in place.

#2 What is the function of the extra arms on tyre changers?

The extra arms are called assist arms and that’s exactly what they are – an assistant to the fitter, offering three main functions (especially when fitting low profile or run-flat tyres):

  • Holding the sidewall of the tyre in place as the table turns with the fixed roller.
  • Using the clamp, the sidewall of the tyre is pushed into the well of the rim, allowing the opposite bead to stretch and fit over the mounting head.
  • Helps lift the lower bead and back bead up to the mounting head when removing.

#3 Why is it important to ensure the accuracy of your tyre changing services?

Accurate tyre changing ensures the performance and longevity of your customers’ tyres. This includes minimising everyday wear and tear through precise fitting, the safety of the tyres whilst driving and the overall aesthetics of the tyre and wheel. If a fitter is careless whilst changing a tyre, the rims can become scuffed, scratched or dented, leaving the customer unsatisfied with the service.

#4 How do you optimise your tyre fitting

Solely using a tyre changer correctly does not mean you offer the best service to your customer. Being able to cater for wheel balancing and wheel alignment, provides an extra level of care and consideration to your customers tyres – this will optimise vehicle performance and safety for all passengers, and boost your garage business revenue.

These are just the basics. However, ensuring you have the right tyre changers for your services can be half the battle.

Speak to one of our specialists today to discuss your services and opt for the perfect tyre machine. Call 01527 883 580 or contact us online now.

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