How to use Adhesive Wheel Weights

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Adhesive Wheel Weight Application


Self adhesive balancing weights, also known as stick on weights, are one of the most popular consumable items we sell at Tyre Bay Direct. Most alloy wheels are balanced with adhesive weights and they are available in either a matt, polished or even black finish. With different sizes including the most common 5g and 10g sections, 5g only sections and 2.5g sections, we are sure to have the right self adhesive wheel balancing weights for you.


Application of Adhesive wheel weight weights


1 – Preparation work

Firstly, rotate the tyre and determine the wheel imbalance in both planes. Ideally the weight, rim and ambient temperature should be around 15 degrees centigrade. This enables the adhesive backing to perform at its best. Thoroughly clean the rims with an appropriate cleaning agent to avoid grease and silicone residues on the rim.

2 – Removing the protective backing

Identify the wheel weight position to the rim based on the balancer readings. Normally this is the12 o clock unless otherwise stated. Peel off the protective backing without touching the adhesive.

3 – Assembling the weight

Now press the weight to the rim from the middle towards the outer edges. The pressure applied is important and needs to be applied for at least 20 seconds,longer if conditions are cold. Once applied, 80%-90% of the final adhesive force is achieved after approx 24hrs and full adhesive force is achieved after 72 hrs of application.

Application of the wheel weights to a clean wheel is vital to achieve the best result. Most modern balancers will have several functions for the wheel you are balancing often allowing you to split the weights to hide behind the spokes of the wheel. This will give you a more professional finish to the job.

We offer a full range of accessories for wheel balancers and are more than happy to talk you though any aspect of wheel balancing or tyre fitting. At Atlas equipment we want to ensure you are completely happy with the process and equipment before you purchase.

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