Wheel Balancer Fault Finding

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If your are experiencing wheel balancer problems then some of these points will enable you to identify the issue. Obviously if you have one of our wheel balancers and are experiencing problems then please call our technical team.

Digital display is flashing on start up?

Off set distance ruler is not in place properly. Return to home position and carry out calibration.

Wheel will not spin.

Is the hood down? If yes press the green start button. If the wheel spins on button press machine requires a new micro switch.

I have added the weight it said but the wheel balancer says it hasn’t balanced.

Check position of the weights applied. They must be at the exact 12 o’ clock position when the indicator lights are fully lit. If this is the case calibrate the machine before trying again.

Half way through spin/readings the wheel balancer switches off?

Make sure you hold the hood down and wait for the wheel to completely stop before lifting.

Why does my reading say OFF OFF OFF?

The machine has not completed the task and must have been opened half way through the spin. Restart the process and make sure you hold the hood down and wait for the wheel to completely stop before lifting.

The machine just keeps telling me to add weight?

Calibrate the machine, build up the weights gradually to build up the balance not all in one go for a single wheel. If this does not resolve the problem please call for technical assistance.

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