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Wet and Dry Car Vacuum Cleaner

Ensure customer satisfaction every time by picking up a wet dry car vacuum cleaner from Tyre Bay Direct today. 

Not just for commercial environments, anyone who takes pride in their car and is serious about keeping it clean needs one of these machines. Whether you’re a garage, workshop, tyre bay, car washing service or domestic user, we have a valeting machine for you.

Car Valeting Machines


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          Out of stock
          £119.99 incl VAT£99.99 excl VAT
          Out of Stock

          Mud, dust, stones, dirt and more all contribute to cars becoming a mess and less enjoyable to drive. Failure to care for and regularly clean the interior of your car can leave it looking old and tatty which is bad news if you ever want to sell the vehicle.

          To stop this happening you need a valeting machine up to the job! More than just your average hoover.

          All valeting machines stocked by Tyre Bay Direct are designed to give a deeper clean and ensure the highest quality finish, especially when combined with our range of car cleaning supplies and pressure washers.

          Order Vacuum Cleaners Now on 01527 883 580

          Add address

          United Kingdom (UK)