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TPMS Programing Tools for 2023 – The simple choice from ISN Garage Assist

Tyre Pressure Monitoring systems have been with us in the UK since 2015. The market has grown and changed but how do you a 2023 comparison of the wide range of TPMS Programming tools, sensors and service available.

It is difficult as low-cost tools such as Autel, can only code their own sensor, and are therefore limited in capability as it impacts on the range of vehicles covered. With most low cost options, you won’t find a vehicle application list.

In reality, there are many examples where these cheap TPMS Programming tools have significant gaps in coverage and/or software issues in communicating with the vehicle. Combine this with the different TPMS relearn procedures on vehicles, the array of OE sensors and it’s pretty soon not worth contemplating for your business.

In the hunt to provide a simple solution for their customers, ISN Garage Assist are pleased to announce that they are partnering with the UK based Bartec Auto ID to offer a world class solution through their Tyre Bay Direct brand channels.

Bartec Auto ID Ltd was formed in 1992 and is a family-owned group of companies, specializing in radio frequency systems and is the world leader in tyre pressure monitoring tools (TPMS tools and systems) for both the aftermarket, car plants and wheel and tyre assembly plants.

With a market share of over 80% of car plant installations in Europe and North America, Bartec Auto ID Limited is the global market leader in tyre pressure monitoring systems (TPMS).

Product Director at ISN Garage Assist, Neal Stote said “ We always work with the biggest brands in each specialist area and the fact that Bartec is a UK based brand giant makes things even better. Manufactured, warrantied and all software completed in the UK means better service for our customers.”

According to ISN, the offering is based around a single sensor for all vehicles. The RITE-SENSOR® from Bartec is a fully, configurable and programmable universal sensor. Complete with an aluminum Clamp-in and black Snap-on valve stems, per valve for both fitting options the The RITE-SENSOR® is designed to replace faulty sensors, without the extra costs of having to buy expensive OE sensors. It also has the ability to cover a high percentage of vehicles with Direct TPMS systems.

As Bartec work closely with the vehicle manufacturers, sensor and tyre manufacturers, in the vehicle assembly plants they have access to the latest information at OE level.

ISN Garage Assist believe the primary reason fitters need to have a quality programmable sensor is sensors are usually a distress purchase, in that the car owner is here now. To have sufficient O.E sensors on hand is unrealistic. As an example the Astra (K) has 3 different O.E sensors where 1 Rite Sensor can cover all these.

Another great benefit for customers of ISN Garage assist is that Bartec work with the vehicle manufacturers, sensor and tyre manufacturers, in the vehicle assembly plants so they know they are supported with latest information at OE level. A simple, futureproof solution to TPMS including the tools, sensors, technical support and O.E data to support customers well into the future.

TPMS Programing Tools for sale


Product Vehicle Type

    Product Spin Type

      Product Machine Type +


          Product Brand +

          £510.00 incl VAT£425.00 excl VAT
          In Stock
          £594.00 incl VAT£495.00 excl VAT
          In Stock
          £714.00 incl VAT£595.00 excl VAT
          In Stock
          £2,700.00 incl VAT£2,250.00 excl VAT
          In Stock
          £492.00 incl VAT£410.00 excl VAT
          In Stock

          Tyre Pressure Monitoring Systems (TPMS)

          Topdon TopScan Pro

          £118.80 incl VAT£99.00 excl VAT
          In Stock

          Add address

          United Kingdom (UK)