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4 Post Car Lifts

Vehicle lifting covers a multitude of categories and presents an often bewildering choice in the world of garage equipment. With the introduction of Atlas Platinum vehicle lifts to Tyre Bay Direct we are now able to offer a four post wheel alignment lift to our customers for the very first time.

The PVL Quadro 4 post car lift, which is available in two different platform lengths, boasts a number of superb features, which will complement any busy workshop. It’s a 4 post lift that will provide faultless service day in, day out, handling any vehicle you put on it.

4 Post Vehicle Lifts for Sale:

Product Vehicle Type

    Product Spin Type

      Product Machine Type +


          Product Brand +

          £4,794.00 incl VAT£3,995.00 excl VAT
          In Stock

          Talk to our vehicle lifting experts

          Rest assured that each vehicle lift in the Tyre Bay Direct Range is tested in house to ensure it is fit for purpose before we post it on our website. Call our expert sales team today to discuss your four post garage vehicle lift requirements. We will help you choose the correct vehicle lifting solution at the most affordable price, whether as part of a package or as a standalone vehicle lift.

          CALL NOW ON 01527 883 580

          Add address

          United Kingdom (UK)