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Wheel Alignment Tools & Equipment

We are expanding our product range to include the latest in professional Wheel Alignment systems.

Tyre Bay Direct are able to supply your garage with the latest wheel alignment technology from experts like Hofmann Megaplan and Atlas Equipment.

This covers everything from basic laser wheel aligners through to more advanced computerised models.

New Wheel Alignment Machine & Wheel Alignment Accessories:


Product Vehicle Type

    Product Spin Type

      Product Machine Type +


          Product Brand +

          £58.11 Weekly*

          Wheel Alignment Machines

          Atlas AWA-3DT 3D Wheel Aligner

          £8,394.00 incl VAT£6,995.00 excl VAT
          In Stock
          £12,594.00 incl VAT£10,495.00 excl VAT
          In Stock

          Computerised Wheel Alignment Machines

          New to range is the Atlas AWA-3DT, which has been introduced to make 3D alignment technology accessible to most garages, with all the technology you need, at a price you can afford. It’s the perfect partner to any tyre changer/wheel balancer package in the Atlas range and means you can offer a truly complete fitting experience to customers. We are confident you will not find a better value 3D alignment system on the market today.

          Every time you fit a tyre you should be checking the vehicle's alignment. There are a number of reasons misalignment could have happened from a customer hitting a curb to movement in routine servicing. Without a wheel alignment system, you are unable to identify this and increase revenues from both alignment checks and corrections.

          Want to make your garage services run smoother?

          Wheel alignment systems are known as one of the profitable tyre services for garages to offer. Investing in a simple yet powerful wheel alignment system like those stocked by Tyre Bay Direct could help boost your revenue and its more affordable than you might think. Talk to the team today about finance options on our garage equipment.

          Easy to use fully computerised systems that mean you can run through alignment checks quickly and ensure happy customers.

          Which Wheel Alignment system do I need?

          With so many brands of wheel alignment systems to choose from and so many types of alignment to understand it can be a daunting service to offer. Our team are trained to understand wheel alignment systems. We will take the time to talk to you, understand your requirement and offer you a viable solution, whether it is one we currently offer or another reputable brand.


          Add address

          United Kingdom (UK)